Established in 1965, Troop 65 of Coventry, CT offers opportunities for boys ages 11-17 to experience the outdoors, learn outdoor skills, provide community service and grow in leadership through a structured advancement program. We strive to be a scout-run, scout-led organization as much as possible. All new scouts are welcome; no previous scouting experience is required. We typically have about 20-25 registered boys on our roster. Troop meetings are held at the Second Congregational Church in Coventry, CT. in the meeting hall Tuesdays 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm, except for holidays and summer meetings. Some highlights of our program include camping, backpacking, canoing, Klondike Derby, Nantucket, hiking, and summer camp. We go to J.N. Webster Scout Camp in Ashford CT and some years offer a second week of camp at Camp Yawgoog in RI. Over 22 scouts have attained the rank of Eagle since 2000.
Everyone had a great time on the Maine High Adventure trip in 2015. We paddled over 71 miles on the Allagash waterway, from the Churchill Dam to Allagash Village. We encountered bald eagles, old dams that we had to portage around, whitewater, and lumbard haulers (trains that hauled lumber through the snow). It was a great experience, being one with nature and only seeing a few people over the entire journey.